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Important notice

To All SKNANB Visa Prepaid Cardholders

As previously advised, SKNANB has been working diligently to restore prepaid cardholders' ability to access their Visa card funds.

Thursday, October 7th, 2010 is the confirmed date that the majority of cardholders will be able to access the funds on their Visa Card using their existing virtual card and/or physical card(s), without providing SKNANB further information. A small percentage of cardholders will be required to provide certain confirming due diligence information. On or after October 7th, prepaid cardholders may attempt to use their cards to confirm that no additional due diligence information will be required. Alternatively, you may email us at vcsupport@sknanb.com, including the first and last name on the card and the last four digits of either the virtual or physical card and we will verify as soon as is possible as to whether or not you will need to provide additional due diligence information.
银行方面已确定2010年10月7日星期四开始,大多数EP卡持有人无须提供给SKNANB银行任何进一步信息,即可用他们现有的虚拟卡和(或)实物卡提取卡上的款项。少部分持卡人可能需要提供某些佐证信息确认才可提款。在10月7日或之后持卡人可以用他们的卡确认他们是否需要提供某些信息给银行才可以提取或使用预付卡上款项。您也可以发电邮至vcsupport@sknanb.com确认。电邮中请提供您的姓和名(例如,您的名字是陈明华的话。first name(名)是Ming Hua, last name(姓)为Chen.),以及您的虚拟卡或实物卡号码的最后四个数字。他们即尽快回复您是否需要提供更进一步的信息以供确认。

SKNANB has received questions with respect to cash withdrawal limits. The daily limits for cash withdrawals will be US$320.00 (three hundred and twenty) per day. This limit cannot be modified. SKNANB prepaid cardholders should continue to check this site for further updates.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding your SKNANB prepaid card, please contact SKNANB at vcprepaid@sknanb.com. In addition, cardholders can call +1-869-466-9733 to contact the cardholder services centre between the hours of 8am and 4pm Atlantic Standard Time. Please note, the call volume could be quite large, as such, there may be extended wait times.
如果您还有其他有关SKNANB预付卡的问题,请发电邮至vcprepaid@sknanb.com查询。此外,持卡人也可以致电客户服务部电话 +1-869-466-9733。办公时间为大西洋标准时间(Atlantic Standard Time)8:00AM到4:00PM。请注意,由于致电者众,等候接听时间可能比较长。

We understand the inconvenience and SKNANB thanks you for your continued patience.

St. Kitts-Nevis-Anguilla National Bank Limited
St. Kitts-Nevis-Anguilla 国家银行

注1:SKNANB全名为St. Kitts-Nevis-Anguilla National Bank,为和EP卡公司合作之银行。


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